Testing out posting from my iPhone which uses WordTwit to auto tweet which posts to Facebook. Sounds cool right?
Dual Operating Systems
I’ve been asked this many time since I run dual-boot with Linux on a couple of computers. Here is an email reply that I thought would be good for the blog. —————- Question: You were telling me one time how to use 2 different operating systems on a computer. I saw your post for the Unbuntu and have seen it …
HP Code Purple Error with a Tattoo
UPDATE 8-10-2010: Added a post for Vista here. Many of you have heard me gripe and complain about HP computers before. After working on literally thousands of computers, I have found HP to be one of the worst. Some of the reasons? Most HP towers use proprietary sizes on their motherboards making replacements much more difficult. The tight spacing inside …
Revamping the Site
Hello everyone – I’m in the process of completely revamping the site again so bear with me. If you are looking for my older blog posts, they are here: www.smartergeek.com/blog As I continue to develop plugins and additions to the site, I will begin adding more content.