Thanks porn industry

Ok..ok. The title of this post doesn’t mean that I sit around watching porn. Without getting too risque, let’s just say that I’m much more into the real thing and leave it at that.

However, the porn industry on the ‘net does help keep me in business. As I’ve tweeted about recently, I had a lot of computer repairs this week – about 20 or so. Here are the rough stats:

  • All but one were for “slow downs and pop-ups” or “can’t get on internet very well”.
  • 1/2 were Vista and 1/2 were XP – all were infected.
  • 1/2 had Norton installed and updated – all of those were infected. The rest had McAfee, Trend, or AVG – all infected.
  • About 1/3 of them had porn pics and videos in the cache or p2p download directories.

Nothing is free people. The “free” porn video that you just looked at – and prompted you to download a player or codec? It just infected your computer and turned you into a zombie spewing fake Viagra spam in the background and consuming your bandwidth (internet connection). That’s the best case.

The worst case? It installed a keystroke logger to record your email and bank account logins. Oops – didn’t think about that, did you?

Think Norton or your favorite anti-virus is going to save you? Nope. Just read about it here.

It’s not just the “teenagers” doing it either – pardon the expression. I encounter this across all age groups, ethnicities, and political persuasions. Look – if you insist on looking at porn, go rent a video. It’s a lot safer and less expensive – or just keep using your computer for porn and help keep me in business.