

One of the most exciting entries into merchant services is Square. Started by Twitter founder, Jack Dorsey, Square has quickly become the easy way to start taking payments.

You can literally start taking payments within minutes. There are apps for the iPhone and Android devices, which are very simple and straight-forward to use.

One downside is that you pay a flat fee of 2.75% for all card types. However, that includes American Express. Plus, as the merchant you payments are transferred to your bank quickly – typically 24 hours.

Another downside is that you can’t use a Square account if you have an e-commerce store. It is simply not designed for this.

How do we make money if you use Square?

Square is a completely separate service. SmarterGeek does not make any money on anything that you swipe with your Square account.

If you choose to use Square, then you pay us to help you set it up, and we show you how to use it. If you want to order a receipt printer or need help with your phone app, you pay us to help you – but only if you need it. That’s it.

If you can setup your Square account on your own and get going – then great!