SmarterGeek Newsletter 1-5-2008

Well, it’s been forever and a day since I’ve done a newsletter. Funny how time seems to just keep right on moving along non-stop. As you can see, I’ve decided to publish my newsletters as part of my tech blog now. It just makes it much easier than typing up the newsletter in the forum and publishing across multiple formats. …

Recording Telephone Calls

Full disclosure: If you call me, the conversation may be recorded. Why? If you are a client, I keep an archive of the recording for notes and future reference. If you are a marketing company, then you won’t like being recorded and try to tell me that it is illegal while you are recording the same conversation “for training purposes.” …

Newsletter December 2007

~~~~~~~~~~~~Erasing your Tracks~~~~~~~~~~~~This may sound crazy, but it was not too long ago that a research team in England purchased and analyzed 11 supposedly clean hard drives, bought for less than £1,000, and found that more than half still contained personal information. This included national insurance numbers, evidence of a married woman’s affair and detailed biographical information about children. Why …

Why do I do this?

I get asked over and over – why do you stay in front of a computer all the time? There are 2 very different reasons. Here they are in order of importance to me. (1) Love and Passion for what I do As most of you know I am very passionate about technology. I have said it over and over …

Suddenlink Down – Verizon Up

I’m sure everyone is aware that in my business internet connectivity is a must! I can’t go without connectivity so I have a Suddenlink cable connection plus a Verizon EV-DO card for my laptop. Here I am sitting at my keyboard working away at 12:55am putting together a Google Analytics account for one of my website clients plus modifying my …

Working with Blogger

It’s been a few days, well almost 2 weeks, since I’ve posted, but life and business have been very busy to say the least! That’s my typical and predictable excuse. Over the last week I’ve been to extensively work with Google’s Blogger both for myself and for a client. So far its been fairly straightforward and things have worked relatively …

The GeekSquad Likes Porn!

LMAO – now this is funny! Its a few days old, but still funny as hell. It seems that setup a “honey pot” computer to catch a GeekSquad agent stealing porn from the pc! If you read the entire story, they are actually trying to prove a point that porn and file theft (or prying eyes) are rampant in …

Well I finally started a blog!

Ok Ok – a lot of my tech friends have wondered why I haven’t ever started a blog. I have a podcast, which is out of date by 1 year, and that probably explains why I haven’t started a blog. It’s all about time management and lately my time has been very unmanageable. My tech support and consulting business has …