Importance of Good Lyrics and Slides and Technology

I’m sure we all agree that well-timed and well-constructed lyrics are very important to delivery of the worship songs. That equates into a much more powerful experience that allows the Holy Spirit to enter with much less resistance. In short great worship helps set the stage for the Word. The gold standard for that among modern churches is ProPresenter run …

Keynote Presentation Too Old

An interesting thing happened when I switched to a Macbook. My dates of skirting around pirate ships pretty much went by the wayside. Purchasing software became my new norm. Today was a test of my patience though. I had a client who was years behind on upgrading her Macbook Pro. The screen was literally falling apart after who knows what …

Church Video and Music Licenses

——— Streaming Worship Videos ——— Even though people post their own versions of church music and lyric videos on youtube, we have to be very careful when it comes to the church itself. Legally we simply cannot upload the church service worship team recordings and have them play on the church’s website. As a matter of fact, downloading the copies …

Desktop Publishing on the Mac – OSX

For desktop publishing from a Mac and OSX there are several options. I’m asked this question frequently publishing an article is a little easier to share. Canva Canva is a pretty new, but it is a browser based (chrome, safari, firefox, etc) which means it will run on anything. Plus, they have a very well designed iPad app. While …

Session Based ATT iPad 2

Wow. So back in 2012, I purchased an iPad2 (cellular & wifi) which was before AT&T allowed the iPad to be on your mobile data plans. It was called “session based” and cost $25/month. You set it up directly on the iPad and entered a credit card number. Fast forward to 2014 and I was still being charged – so …

Nuance Software and Call Spam

You know – it’s really aggravating when you purchase software from a company and they still you on a robo call list. I’m sure at some point I inadvertently agreed to it, but wow. As if I don’t already get enough calls and emails in a day – I have to tolerate one to try and sell me more software. …

iPhone 6 and Google Voice

I’ve been a Google Voice user since they offered it after buying out Grand Central in 2007. The cool thing is that I have EVERY voicemail that I’ve received since using it. Right now – that’s nearly 7000 voicemails archived! In addition to being able to search/find any voicemail via the Google Voice app, I can also do it from any …

Google Apps Email Setup

As most of you know, I strongly encourage and recommend the use of Google Apps for your Domain – now known as Google Apps for Work. Once I get email setup for a client, then the next step is checking that email. To make things simpler I have also created a couple of videos showing the setup on both an …

Social Media is NOT evil

I often joke that “…facebook is a necesary evil.” Do I think Facebook is inherently evil? Of course not – my comment stems from the fact that it consumes a lot of time and that facebook constantly changes their news feed. It’s aggravating. Yesterday I was in a church meeting covering sharing on social media (and a few other things), and …